Lower Duchesne Wetlands Project

Lower Duchesne Wetlands Project
Lower Duchesne Wetlands Project
Lower Duchesne Wetlands Project
Lower Duchesne Wetlands Project
Lower Duchesne Wetlands Project
Lower Duchesne Wetlands Project
Lower Duchesne Wetlands Project
Lower Duchesne Wetlands Project
Lower Duchesne Wetlands Project
Lower Duchesne Wetlands
Lower Duchesne Wetlands
Lower Duchesne Wetlands
Lower Duchesne Wetlands
Lower Duchesne Wetlands
Lower Duchesne Wetlands
Lower Duchesne Wetlands
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The Lower Duchesne River Wetlands Mitigation Project (LDWP) is a project to restore and enhance wetland, riparian and supporting upland along the Duchesne River in the Uinta Basin in Northeastern Utah. The underlying need for the Project is to make up for impacts to wetland and wildlife habitat caused by construction and operation of the Central Utah Project.  The Ute Tribe is a joint planning entity for the mitigation project.  The project area consists of 4,807 acres, of which 3,215 acres are Tribal Trust or Allotted land and 1,592 acres are private land.  The project consists of three main restoration areas (units): the Uresk Drain Unit, the Riverdell South Unit, and the Ted’s Flat Unit. 

Allred Restoration provided design services for all aspects of the LDWP and worked directly with US Bureau of Reclamation heavy equipment operators during the seven-year construction period.